


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My poor little baby has been admitted to the hospital last Friday for 4 days 3 nights and that is also mean I have to cancel my Pulau Ketam trip. He has been fever for 6 days. On the third day I brought him to the child specialist clinic in Klang and need to start antibiotic courses for 7 days. However his fever seem didn't improved after 5 days on antibiotic hence I plan to bring him to see my paed in SMC but unfortunately he is on leave so I brought him back to the child specialist clinic again. This time dr advised me to go to the hospital for further investigation and wrote a referal letter hence I immediately packed and rushed to the hospital. As expected, baby need to be admitted and on antibiotic drips. The blood test result shown he has moderate bacteria infection and the x-ray shown he has thick phlegm in his lung and being diagnosed as Bronchitis. He need to on antibiotics drips once a day and nebulizer 3 times a day. The nebulizing process was tough because baby cried badly and struggled, really feel sad seeing him suffer like this :(

This little baby was scared to the stranger hence everytime when the nurses or doctor came he will stick to me or use his cuddle blanket to cover his face or closed his eyes when doctor examined him. Everyone feel very funny with his acting and doctor even gave him a nickname called 'Mr. Shy'...hahhaha.....but after 2 days in the hospital he started walked around but yet when see nurses he will hide himself behind the door or wall or stick his face on the wall...everybody like to make fun with him.....kekekek....the only place that can keep him occupied a while was the hospital playroom and his favourite VCDs that I played in my notebook.

On the third day when doctor came to examine him I told doctor I wish to go home as soon as possible because it was very bored staying in the hospital and I have another 2 kids at home but doctor asked me to be patience for another night if baby not having fever then I may go back on the forth day. Next day after doctor examined baby and said he seem recovered well but he has another antibiotic drip to go but I keep begging doctor to let us go home and I don't mind to come back to finish the drip so finally doctor allowed us to discharge with baby's drip bandage on and will only remove it after last finally we has reached our home sweet home yesterday.....and that's also the end of our hospitalisation adventures...kekkekeke....

After this incident I have learned another lesson on childcare. If your child didn't cough much but yet have continuos fever it doesn't mean there is no problem related to it because it is due to the phlegm was too thick to iritate the coughing reflexion and it will slowly accumulated in the lung. Hence whenever your child has fever for more than 3 days you should bring them to see doctor and get the lung examined even he/she has minor cough. Normally after a child take the coughing medicine he/she may start cough badly but according to the doctor it is ok because the coughing reflexion is helping him/her bring out the phlegm. For the elder kid you should get them to spit out the phlegm whereas for younger baby the cough medicine will dilute the phlegm and get them swollow and come out as stool.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008










Graduation photos

Graduation album

Lovely flowers from ko ko to papa and mama

Graduation certificate

Farewell gift from teacher

Handmade guitar by teacher


Graduation trip @ 5/12/2008 - 6/12/2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Progress report @ Vital Years

A.Reading Skills

Emerging Reader (Stg 1)
-has good concentration, not hyperactive and fidgety

Early Reader (Stg 2-4)
-able to read longer text
-improving in clarity and diction
-show interest in books

B.Writing Skills

-poor in writing

C. Oral Skills

-speaks in short phrases
-attempts to speak in English (Non-English speaking child)

D.Social Skills

-not aggresive towards other children

Other Comments:

A very quiet and well mannered boy. Improved in reading skills.

Last day @ Vital Years

Today is di di's last day in Vital Years. He has been there since Jan 2008. Next year he will go to ko ko's kindergarden for another 3 years before go primary school. Today has small farewell party in his school and I managed to snap some photos with teachers and friends.

Vital Years principal (pink shirt lady) and teacher Tan

Nicholas and di di (do they look alike ?) by the way, Nicholas is 4 years old

Farewell gift from teacher Tan (an ant wood model)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Genting Trip @ 14/12/2008

Last Sunday we went to Genting for 2 days 1 night stayed at AWANA and this was also the first family trip with baby. As expected, the trip was tiring and exhausted !! This naughty baby just cant't sit or stand still he want to walk here and there as well as cimbed up and down. There was also long queue everywhere and this little baby don't have patience to wait in the queue so maid have to bring him jalan-jalan when came to our turn only passed him over to me. He will only sit still and quiet during the ride. My maid was so excited when I told her she will join us for the trip and she told baby they are finally can go out together because normally they are being left behind....but after the trip she told me she rather stayed at home with baby...kekekkeke.....Our next family trip will go to Pulau Ketam at 28/12/2008 for 2 days 1 night stay as well. I want to let ko ko and di di experince the fishing village's life. This time have to exclude baby, sorry ya are too small for island tour :p