


Friday, December 31, 2010







Jun Yu is a smart, cheerful and rather imaginative boy. He is more tolerant at following instruction and show more determination to complete drawings and activities which seemed to be challenging for him previously.

Jun Yu's span of focus is longer and better during thematic lessons. He is more adaptable with the lessons rather than favouring his desired topics. He needs to be communicated clearly and be reminded the tasks he needs to do and to improve on. Thus, he has shown improvement. He links his previous knowledge to the current lessons. He gets excited to share his stories and experience to the class. He has learnt to be more patient at taking turns such as sharing experience and craft activities. He gets more enthusisstic and is more proactive at bringing related materials to contribute ideas for the class. He is independent at his worksheets and is more determined takes the initiative to find pictures on books for ideas. Keep it up ! He participates better at group activities as he learns to voice his thoughts and dissatisfactions clearer with confidence. It is an excitement to have Jun Yu guiding his friends in need of help. He even tells me if any if his friends needs guidance. He is more courageous to try out new activities than before.

He is attentive at Phonics class. His phonics sound recognition skill is strong, thus enable him to read well. He will sometimes guide the class with the sounds and reading. He will ask if he is unsure of some new words. He has a good memory and feels happy to tell the class meaning of some words. As some new words stimulate him, he will share his story with the class. He does the exercises in the workbooks with little prompting. However, he needs to be motivated at singing and movement action. Encouragement with some positive force will be of help.

As for intrapersonal skill, he is more capable at taking good care of his belongings such as water bottles, food, clothes and books. He is more consistent and focused. In fact, he sometimes tells teachers of his friends who forgot about their belongings. He is more determined at his drawing and colouring. He tries harder at completing them in time. He gets more creative and needs less prompting from me at craft work. With encouragement and praises, Jun Yu will definitley perform better and beyond.

Jun Yu's interpersonal skill has shown improvement. He has a bigger circle of friends and play happily with them. When he is dissatisfied, he will voice his thought clearly with confidence rather than being emotional or ignoring them. This confident boy will sometimes inform me about his friends who are arguing. He is more caring, enthusiastic and proactive. He is more helpful and responsible at tidying the class together with other friends. Keep it up !

All parents hope to give the best to their kids throughout their growth journey. Here are a few suggestions as guidance. Firstly, encourage him to read more English storybooks and if possible share with his friends. Try instilling bedtime stories. Secondly, try involving him in public interaction activities so that he can be exposed to more English speakers. Example: story telling, chess club and etc. Thirdly, he is getting more interested at drawing and crafts. Thus, family time may include constructing recycling crafts and etc. Lastly, always communicate with him at anywhere to stimulate his learning experience in school. We so happy to have Jun Yu in the class.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


华语理解 95.50
华语书写 89.75
国语理解 91.83
国语书写 88.35
英语书写 92.75
道德 A
美术 A
体育 A
音乐 A
电脑 A



2010 佛学儿童班结业礼和生活营



Yeah...I know how to cycle !


Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy 8th birthday to ko ko and happy children day too !

This year's children day fall on 15/10/2010 which is same day as ko ko's birthday. ko ko was very excited said he got 2 party today one at school and one at home ;) As usual I prepared '茶叶蛋' (tea eggs) for his children day's party and it seem very 'laku' as ko ko came back with empty for his birthday, this year ko ko requested fruit cake hence I choose one from Lavender bakery with a lot of juicy fruits on top.......yummy !!

Ko ko got his first trophy on Children's day too :

Pertandingan Bina Ayat Bahasa Malaysia (sagu hati)

His classmates and teacher :

Thursday, October 14, 2010


明年little baby就要上幼儿园了,不再是我的little baby 了,好不舍得哦!但是我们还是叫他baby :p 他开始讲很多话,问很多问题也越来越来古灵精怪。但他还是很可爱,喜欢甜甜的叫我和亲吻我!嘿嘿嘿!他也开始喜欢模仿,他的讲话口气也越来越像大人:

baby: mama, 做么桌子wet wet ? 做么咧?hah ?
mummy: 不知道
baby: 都是你啦
mummy: 什么?是你啦,还说是我
baby: hai.. yo....啰嗦,啰嗦啦

baby: mama, 唱'hush little baby...'
mummy: 你自己唱啦
baby: hai...yo... hush little bi bi don't you cry...... (一面唱一面用手拍打我的背)

mummy: 为什么你的手这样肮脏?
baby: 不知道
mummy: 自己的手肮脏都不知道mei? 走,去洗手!
baby: hai...yo...傻傻的

baby: *拿弟弟的玩具* mama, 这是bi bi 的
di di : *大叫* 不是!是我的!
baby: mama, 你看,大声,大声哦!

baby: mama, 你来一下
mummy: 什么事?
baby: hai...yo....你来, 你来啦

baby: mama, 二哥lei ?
mummy: 二哥去读书啦
baby: mama, 大哥lei?
mummy: 大哥去读书啦
baby: mama, papa lei?
mummy: papa 去做工啦
baby: 不是啦,papa出去了
baby: mama lei ?
mummy: 不知道?
baby: nah...这个不是啊

mummy 不小心撞到桌子,痛得呱呱叫!baby 赶紧跑过来,检查mummy的伤势,一面摸一面说:‘嗨哟。。。敲到咯。。。没事。。。没事。。。’


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Let's karaoke with i-pen

Goodbye 再见


Something new......

New water play toy

New pet
New i-pen New bicycle
New punishment style: meditation (打坐), normally is face the wall (面壁思过). di di requested to be punished in this way, he said teacher use this method to punish him in school :p

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



华语理解 98.00
华语书写 95.50
国语理解 92.00
国语书写 88.33
英语 99.00
科学 93.00
数学 91.00
MATH 95.00
道德 95.50

Monday, July 19, 2010

Goodbye Kakak !

This photo was taken before kakak departed to the airport, di di not in the picture because he is in the kindi
When kakak not around little baby try to help..... ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



Teacher's Feedback:

Jun Yu is a smart boy who is distinctive at his ways of thinking. Sometimes, he would prefer to do things of his style rather than following the instructions given. He would first ask for my permission. I sometimes allow if it channels to his learning process. Sometimes I disallowed as to instil discipline.
As the thematic lessons are fully conducted in English, most kids find them challenging initially. However, Jun Yu finds it amusing and enjoys the vocabulary terms. He would usually stops me to ask about new English words that he couldn't understand. He grasps lessons fast and is able to relate his previous knowledge to the current lessons. He doesn't accept an answer easily unless it has a logical explanation. He would ask questions and would even share his stories. Example: "Do bats suck peoples' blood? Will bears attack people? Why is Mona Lisa looking at us?" However, he chooses only to be attentive at his interested topics. Thus, prompting is needed to encourage him to be more focused. He enjoys thematic activities such as making models,origami and drawing. Sometimes, he needs encouragement to start. Consistent guidance would boost his confidence. Some pressure might also help him to be more focused.
He is improving at his drawings and every picture has a story. He is more responsible to complete them as well as labeling the picture vocabulary. He is independent at writing and writes clearly and neatly. As for Art Craft, he is quite dependent but encouragement makes him to perforrn better. As for group activities, he needs prompting. Sometimes some pressure or reward will speed up his work. This smart boy sometimes will check out books to provide information for our lessons. Although rather quiet at times, I believed he goes home and tells his mother what he does in school. Thus, the class is always happy that Jun Yu brought samples and materials to share with us. Indirectly, it boosted his self-confidence. Thank you, Mrs. Khoo! Besides good listening skill, Jun Yu also has a good memory. He enjoys games, songs and new activities such as Science Experiments. He has good analyzing skill and can remember what he sees. Sometimes, he even requests that we sing certain songs together such as "The Rabbit Song''.
His phonic sounds and word recognitions are good. He grasps fast. He rarely writes mirror imaged-letters such as "b". Don't worry much as this is common at this age. He usually leads the class at reading. He could blend the different sounds well. He is getting more consistent and responsible with his homework. Jun Yu has a loving mother who always guide him. I am sure, he will improve further in the near future.
Jun Yu is more independent at keeping his belongings, keeping his homework and does his class duties well. Practices makes perfect! However, he still likes to take his time at drinking water or getting ready for the next lesson. He mixes with other friends. However, he prefers to do things individually rather than in groups. Unless the group's activity is interesting, he would be attracted to join them. He is kind and has a good heart that forgives his fiiends' errors. If his friends need help or are having arguments, he would inform me. Sometimes, he will remind his friends the right things to do and the wrong things to avoid. As for himself, if he has any misunderstanding with his friends. he would express his thoughts verbally. If he can't handle it, he will seek for any assistance.
Jun Yu speaks English with me but sometimes still needs consistent reminder to speak it more frequently. With his enthusiastic attitude, I am sure his English will improve further in the future. Here are a few suggestions to guide him. Try speaking more English vocabulary with him during family outing such as at a shopping trip, a picnic or during a film together. Create the habit to read books of various languages including English. Cultivate the habit of reading English storybooks at least 3 times a week such as bedtime stories. In no time, he will start telling the stories to you and his friends. Encourage him to participate in social activities such as colouring contest and swimming lessons. Finally, parents can check their lessons from my blog. Then, you may do some related activities to reinforce their lessons. With parents' and teachers' teamwork, I am sure Jun Yu will excel further.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

哥哥的2010 学年第一学期成绩单

华语说活 A
华语理解 96.50 A
华语书写 89.00 A
国语理解 95.65 A
国语书写 86.70 A
英语书写 90.50 A
数学(华)97.00 A
数学(英)96.50 A
科学(华)97.50 A
科学(英)96.75 A
道德 A
美术 A
体健 A
音乐 A
电脑 A



New Toy - Nerf Strike Fire

Tuesday, June 29, 2010




Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


今天是端午节,弟弟在学校裹了一个粽子带回家里要爸爸妈妈share share 吃。爸爸妈妈心存犹豫因为你知道啦,小朋友在制作过程中,卫生方面可能没那么好嘛,嘿嘿嘿!所以爸爸和妈妈就告诉弟弟等一会儿才吃。但是有心的弟弟不断地提醒我们一定要吃喔!晚上睡觉时,不断出来查看我们有没有吃。后来爸爸于心不忍,决定牺牲小我,成全大我,当着弟弟的面前,一口将粽子吞下,还装作很好吃的样子!哈哈哈!弟弟才带着满意的笑容回房睡觉。嘿嘿嘿!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Special mother's day gift from di di

Mother's day redeem voucher - 10 mins massage service (di di said it only valid on mother's day :p)

Mother's day song:

My mother is the best,

She always loves me so,

She never sighs at me,

She always tries her best, are like the magic star,

You are so special,


I love you!